Patient Reviews

We are grateful to have been a part of your journey to parenthood and it brings us immense joy to see your family photos and read your kind words. Sharing your experience helps others feel less alone and find the care they need sooner.

If you feel comfortable, please share your story and photos below.

We welcomed our little miracle girl, Romy June, in February 2024 and we could not be more appreciative of the entire FCNE staff & care team! After being told IVF was our only option to naturally conceive, it was a pretty large pill to swallow. However, Dr. Plante and her team helped make what we once believed to be devastating news – turn into a positive, thoughtful, organized & supported process. Dr. Plante took the time to explain our care plan in detail and answered all of our questions without hesitation, no matter how many we had! When you are monitored so closely, it is so important to be surrounded by such compassionate individuals, and we feel so lucky to have found FCNE. Thank you all so much for everything that you do. We will be seeing you all in the future!


I had seen Dr. Vitiello originally back in 2012 for endometriosis surgery and when I went back in 2022 for fertility treatments she remembered me right away and immediately made me feel so comfortable. After two retrievals, we were fortunate to get pregnant with our one perfect embryo and now have our beautiful, miracle girl, Olivia. Through out the entire process, Dr. Vitiello was so encouraging, empathetic, and calmed me down in my most emotional moments. We are so grateful for Dr. Vitiello and the FCNE team!


We are overjoyed to share our wonderful experience with the Fertility Centers of New England (FCNE) and Dr. Hill. From the very beginning of our IVF journey, Dr. Hill and the entire team at FCNE provided exceptional care, support, and expertise. Their dedication and compassion made all the difference in helping us achieve our dream of becoming parents. Dr. Hill’s professionalism and personalized approach gave us confidence and hope throughout the process. The staff at FCNE were always kind, attentive, and responsive to our needs, making us feel valued and understood every step of the way. Thanks to their unwavering support and advanced treatment, we are now blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby boy who will be turning 1 year old soon! We are forever grateful to Dr. Hill and the entire team at FCNE for making our dream come true.


We suffered a loss in August of 2022. It led us down a rabbit hole of fertility testing with our OB which eventually led us to Dr. Hill at FCNE. He was straight and to the point, based on our testing, IVF was our best chance of getting pregnant and carrying a baby to term without a loss. In February 2024 we welcomed Madden! We can’t thank the FCNE team enough!


The child I have prayed was granted with the help of Dr. Hill’s team. Thank you, FCNE.


So thankful for Dr. Vitiello and Dr. Mor for helping to create our little miracle. After trying to conceive on our own for 6 years, we decided to try IVF and it worked the first round. Oliver was born on 8/14/24 and our life has changed for the better! Thank you again, FCNE!


After trying to conceive for 2.5 years, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed embryo transfers at an outside clinic we made the best decision we ever made and transferred our single remaining embryo to Fertility Centers of New England. Dr. Vitiello is amazing- intelligent, compassionate, and up to date on the latest evidence based practices/research to improve odds of a successful pregnancy. We did one transfer at FCNE which resulted in the pregnancy and subsequent birth of our son, Luka. We cannot say enough great things about FCNE and Dr. Vitiello. Thank you for our miracle!


From our first visit with Dr. Plante, her warmth and encouragement made us feel hopeful that we would be able to have the family we had dreamed of. All the waiting and the stress throughout the process is real, and my hope for other families is that you trust the process and the expertise of the doctors at FCNE. Thank you Dr. Plante for making this possible! Our son is our greatest blessing and we are in the process for #2!

ivf baby

We are so thankful to Dr. Hill and his team for our sweet Nora! He helped us make our, what felt like impossible, dream come true. We are eternally grateful for FCNE and can’t wait to come back and hopefully create another little miracle!

ivf review baby

I saw Dr. Vitiello at FCNE and loved her. She was so nice and accommodating. Listened to concerns and made adjustments to my plan as needed. She tried to do as many of my procedures herself, which was comforting. She has a laid back style, which was just what this high strung mama needed! I want to thank Dr. Vitiello and the entire team at FCNE for helping us in achieving our dream of becoming parents to our sweet Mathias!


Words simply cannot describe how thankful we are to all the amazing staff at FCNE. The care and compassion we received was unlike any other experience we’ve had elsewhere. We will forever be indebted to Dr. Hill for helping us have our sweet miracles. Thank you!

IVF Baby

We are so appreciative of Dr. Hill and all the staff. After three challenging years Dr. Hill helped to make what we once thought was an impossible dream come true. We welcomed our miracle baby, into the world December of last year. We are forever grateful for the entire staff, who were always so kind and helpful during our journey. No one understands how hard this process can be until you go through it and because of them all I am currently snuggling my 3 month old and can confidently say I would go through it all again to get where I am today. Thank you all so much, you truly are amazing people and who knows, maybe we will see you all again in the near future!

IVF baby

Thanks to Dr. Vitiello our dream of being parents came true. Ava is absolutely perfect! Thank you for helping us achieve our miracle.


My husband and I went through a brutal and devastating round of IVF and years of infertility. We sought a second opinion with Dr Hill who validated every concern I had and throughly understood our history. He made a detailed tailored plan to us instead of shuffling us through a standard offering. He gave me the confidence that this could actually work and I would be a mom after feeling so much despair for so long. The success we then achieved after a very efficient egg retrieval cycle was literally unbelievable. And after my first embryo transfer, we were pregnant. I couldn’t believe it. We were treated, cared for, and felt like this impossible dream was finally coming true. Fast forward nine months later, and I am rocking my beautiful daughter in my lap as I write this. We could not be more grateful for Dr Hill and the FCNE team. Thank you so much for bringing our family so much joy and making us parents to sweet Hazel Rose.


The entire staff at FCNE is AMAZING! A huge thank you to Dr. Hill, the nurses, ultrasound techs and everyone in between for helping us get our miracle girl! We couldn’t have done this without all of you!

IVF Baby Smiling

After realizing that conceiving naturally was not in the cards for us, we turned to FCNE to begin our infertility journey. Dr. Plante immediately put our fears to rest and was so positive through the process. Our journey with FCNE led us to our miracle baby boy. We cannot thank the entire team at FCNE enough, for helping us start our family. We are forever grateful!


It’s been 11 years since this incredible staff helped us on our journey, and I still am thankful every single day. The 2 on the left are our IVF twins, and the one on the right is our surprise miracle.

Two Brothers

I remember the crippling sadness realizing I could not conceive on my own. The moment my husband and I walked in and had a consultation with Dr Vitiello was the day our whole lives changed. My husband and I felt this calmness, we were happy and best of all we hade HOPE! Every step of the way these doctors GOT YOU, you are not alone in anything. From the front desk, the nurses, and doctors they were supportive, understanding, and caring. We put our fertility journey in their hands, and boy let me tell you, it was the BEST decision we ever made. We will never be able to thank Dr Vitiello and her staff enough!!

Brother and Sister

When we first met with Dr Vitiello, she assured us that becoming parents was a dream we could certainly make a reality. She was up front with us on all aspects and we saved for our cycle (back when NH didn’t require coverage). Looking back, we are fortunate to not have the insurance dictate anything to us. In June 2013, we started our IVF journey, and while my body didn’t respond the way we wanted it to, we jumped into round 2 and that was fruitful. Our fresh embryo transfer yielded us with our beautiful baby girl in May 2014. 4 years and 3 more failed embryo transfers, our last embryo yielded us with our miracle baby May 2019. Our babies are 5 years apart and they were worth the wait, pain, tears and money. Despite our journey being a roller coaster, Dr V and her staff were always there for us and they cared. You know they care when, the Dr calls to check in with you weeks after. I’ll never forget how Dr V helped me navigate my emotions.

Our journey to become parents had its moments, we are happy to have traveled this journey with Dr V and FCNE. Thank you doesn’t seem enough to express our gratitude, but thank you is all I can say. ❤️


My husband and I tried for years to get pregnant until the dreadful news of both of us having fertility issues. We had 2 embryos from our first IVF cycle that were frozen until we could transfer one. Finally that day came in September of 2022. And sure enough, 10 days after the transfer, we found out we were pregnant. This wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Dr Plante and her amazing team at FCNE. This year we get to celebrate our first holiday season with our son and this is such a special moment for us. We can’t wait to go back for our second embryo transfer!

IVF Baby

My husband and I tried for 3 years to have a baby. In February 2023, after our first IVF cycle, we found out I was finally pregnant all thanks to Dr. Vitiello & the entire staff at FCNE. We welcomed our sweet boy Matthew into the world on 11/15/23. I will forever be grateful for the incredible team of doctors that gave us this opportunity.

IVF Baby

We worked with FCNE in early 2022 for an IVF cycle and welcomed our healthy baby boy in January of 2023. He is such a blessing and brings us so much joy. Thank you Dr. Vitiello and team!

Family photo

We have all our gratitude for the team at FCNE. Dr Robert Weiss and the team of brilliant doctors helped us with our fertility journey and we had our sweet Samara in our first cycle of IVF.

Babies at Christmas

My husband and I tried for over a decade for babies on our own. We are so grateful to Dr Weiss and his team who helped us twice to be able to have our boys!

Flamingo Hat Baby

Marrying late in life I thought our chances of having a baby were over. I was over 40 and scared of never being a mom. We are forever grateful to Dr. Vitiello and the team at FCNE. We only ever felt hopeful. After our second round we became pregnant with our beautiful daughter. Our sweetest baby!!


Words can’t express our gratitude for Dr. Hill and his incredible staff. They treated us with care, compassion, and understanding. After three years devastating losses and heartbreak, Dr. Hill finally helped our Charlie make his way home to us.

Baby and family with easter bunny

We are beyond words grateful for this baby that FCNE helped us create. It’s all of our dreams come true the love we have for him! It wasn’t just one person it was the whole process and team that we couldn’t have done it without.

two happy brothers

For years my husband and I tried for a baby, Dr. Vitiello made sure that happened for us! 2021 we had our first baby from a fresh embryo transfer & 2023 we had our second from a frozen embryo transfer.

baby with toys

We can’t thank Dr. Hill enough for helping us start our family. After 4 first trimester miscarriages I thought I would never have my dream of becoming a mom. When I called FCNE I was broken and had lost all hope. Dr. Hill said with confidence that he could help and he meant it. Even after failed transfers, Dr. Hill kept his confidence in my ability to get pregnant. He continued to make changes to my protocol based on what we learned each time. We underwent and ERA biopsy suggested by Dr. Hill which we believe was the final missing puzzle piece. Baby Pasquale Raymond was born on 4/23/23. Our sweet miracle baby. Thank you, Dr. Hill!

Baby sleeping

We will be forever grateful to Dr. Hill and his team in Portsmouth. His knowledge, expertise and confidence drove us to keep going, and we are so glad we did. After years of trying and many losses, our sweet baby boy, Louie arrived in May 2022! We could not recommend FCNE more!

baby smiling

My husband and I went into this process expecting it to be difficult, stressful and heartbreaking. With the expertise and compassion of Dr. Hill and the entire staff, it was everything but. The process couldn’t have gone any smoother. We had our transfer at the end of July 2021 and just celebrated our daughter’s 1st birthday. Thank you does not even begin to express our gratitude for our little girl!

baby laughing

Thank you to Dr. Hill and his amazing staff (specifically at the Portsmouth office) for supporting us through loss after loss and being so willing to keep trying new tests and protocols until our rainbow baby was in our arms. The path may not have been easy, but this girl was worth every shot!

baby laughing

I just wanted to reach out and thank Dr. Vitiello and her team at FCNE. I’ve wanted to be a momma for as long as I can remember and Dr. Vitiello helped make my dream come true. We welcomed our beautiful baby boy to our family on August 21st, 2022 and we are absolutely over the moon in love with him. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for helping us complete our family. We will forever be grateful.

couple holding a baby

Our journey was long but worth every bit of the wait. It will always be a part of our story! We send our love and hope to the many others who are waiting for their miracle. I know that if we gave up during the most difficult times, we wouldn’t be here.

Couple holding baby

My wife and I went through 6 IUIs and 1 round of IVF to get to our beautiful baby boy Caswell Robert. Dr. Plante was with us the whole way, being supportive at every turn. Two years, a loss and finally a successful pregnancy. Caswell is now ONE and our hearts are so full! He loves to smile, laugh, dance, eat and learn. Dr. Plante and her whole team were like family by the end of the process. We look forward to coming in soon to try for baby number 2! Caswell Robert, your Moms love you!

couple holding baby

I think the best advice I can give is just to make the call. The idea of infertility is scary and can make you feel like a failure. But that’s not the case. I postponed reaching out because I was scared to know the truth about my infertility. Seeing other women in the waiting room who are there for the same issues or want the same things and hearing the positive reinforcement from the team of ‘We’re gonna figure this out and get you to your goal of having a family’ makes you feel like you’re not alone, not a failure. [Fertility Centers of New England] offered so much help and information about everything from procedures, insurance, support groups-that even after my initial consultation. I KNEW that this practice was the place for me. Just make the call.

woman holding baby

We had a long IVF journey….over 4 years (we switched clinics to FCNE after about 3 years) and could not be more thankful for Dr. Plante for giving us our sweet Reagan Alena.


Baby Gallery

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Thank you for choosing Fertility Centers of New England for your care. You will forever be members of our growing family. Submit and share your story below.