Search Results for "sperm quality"

Is Vaping a Healthier Alternative to Smoking?

…non-smokers Lowers sperm and embryo quality: Nicotine and its metabolic products are associated with decreased sperm parameters and with poor oocyte and embryo quality. Smoking is also associated with many…

Why Egg Freeze?

…and egg quality, using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Embryo development is no different between fertilized eggs previously vitrified or not. Similarly, the implantation potential and pregnancy success rates in a…

Marijuana Use During Fertility Treatment

…Marijuana on Sperm Studies have shown that marijuana use can decrease sperm count and motility, which can make it more difficult for a man to father a child. Marijuana use…

Advance Glycation End-Products (AGE) Affects IVF

…had higher levels of inflammation. Additionally, elevated levels of caffeine intake (>3 cups daily) demonstrated increase sperm fragmentation. Additionally, longer abstinence intervals increased sperm fragmentation rates and may effect success…

LGBTQ+ Family Building Options

…LGBTQ+ Family Building Options Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Insemination using donor sperm by intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an option for single women and lesbian couples who wish to have a biological…