Search Results for "sperm quality"

Why Am I Not Pregnant?

…of eggs necessary for conception. Male Factor Infertility Issues such as low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or abnormal sperm morphology can impair fertility. Tubal Factors Blocked or damaged fallopian…

Growing Sperm from Germ Cells

Scientists at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine in Munster, Germany recently reported on their ability to grow mouse sperm from germ cells. For men with azoospermia (zero sperm), this technology…

Overlooking the Sperm

sperm production at the same time. Help for Male Infertility Overlooking the sperm and the male factors that contribute to fertility is common. That is why we always test both…

How To Optimize Fertility

…(closer to 10 days). Men with normal sperm parameters have no decrease in quality with daily ejaculates. Some studies suggest daily intercourse may provide a slim advantage – it is…

Pollution and Toxins Affect Fertility

…and pregnancy outcomes. This study included over 255,000 women in Beijing, China, which has well-documented pollution and air quality issues. Their findings demonstrated a clear correlation between air pollution and…