Search Results for "sperm quality"

COVID Vaccines Do Not Influence IVF Outcome

quality of the IVF cycle or the outcomes. The investigators queried the doses of medications used, the number of eggs retrieved, and all the characteristics of the eggs and embryos…

FCNE Featured on CBS Discussing the Embryoscope®

…and for increasing access to care by providing affordable treatment options without composing quality and results. Example of videos can be found here. Interested in learning more? Contact us today!…

Cryopreservation: What is it?

…and put quality embryos into storage for a subsequent or future pregnancy attempts. The standard method for freezing or the first three decades of IVF was the “slow freeze” method….

Exercising the “Art” in A.R.T.

…embryo; therefore it is not completely necessary to score the embryos both days. Also, scoring on day 2 allows the embryologist to remove any poor quality embryos from culture with…

5 Free Fertility Apps for 2023

…when you’re on your period, the flow quality from day to day (spotty, heavy, light, clots, etc.), and other period symptom details. So, while advertised as a “period app,” My…

The Real Facts About PCOS

…With symptoms ranging from irregular menstrual cycles to difficulty conceiving, PCOS can significantly impact a woman’s health and quality of life. However, understanding PCOS is the first step toward managing…