Search Results for "sperm quality"

Gender Selection for Family Balancing

The desire for family balancing goes back at least as far as the ancient Egyptians. Various methods have been proposed and discarded over the ensuing millennia. Sperm cell sorting techniques…

When to Consider IVF

…don’t produce sperm but can have sperm surgically collected; Men with prior vasectomies or failed vasectomy reversals; LGBTQ+ individuals or couples for family-building; Single-by-choice parents for family-building. IVF Success Rates…

LGBTQ+ Family Building Options

…can afford to build your family with us. Lesbian Family Building Using a sperm donor of your choosing (whether that be a family member, friend, or anonymous donor), we will…

Zika Virus Could Cause Infertility in Men

…testosterone levels and low sperm counts. These findings according to researchers are most likely irreversible since infected cells within the testicles are destroyed. Whether Zika has the same effect in…

How the Environment May Affect Fertility

…endocrine system. Smoking can lower sperm counts and if the father smokes, his unborn son may have a lower sperm count when he is trying to have children too. Many…

Announcing Our New IVF Program with Embryo Screening

…Fertility Centers of New England convenient locations Egg retrieval including anesthesia Sperm preparation and Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Embryo culture for five days Embryo biopsy Embryo freezing (vitrification) Blastomere shipping…

At-Home Fertility Tests for Women

…successful pregnancy after 12 months of regular, unprotected intercourse (in under 35 years) and 6 months for women older than 35 years. What is necessary is an egg, sperm, and…

How Do You Freeze Embryos?

The ability both to cryopreserve and to thaw eggs, sperm and embryos has revolutionized fertility treatment. In the deep-freeze, the succession of time is almost halted, or at least moving…