Search Results for "sperm quality"

Risk of Cancer Treatment to Future Fertility

…be cured or sufficiently ameliorated to allow years of quality living. Potentially safeguarding future fertility before undergoing cancer treatments including chemotherapy, radiation or surgery should be part of the discussion…

What Are the Risks with IVF?

…possible to achieve a pregnancy that may not have occurred naturally. Thirdly, there seems to be a slight increase in numeric sex-chromosome abnormalities with injecting of the sperm into the…

Cell Phones and Infertility

…biological interactions attributable to cell phone-emitted radiation have been made. Reproductive cells, sperm and eggs, are electrically active cells and their exposure to cell phone electromagnetic waves and currents have…

Reproductive Choices For Lesbian Couples

…by donor sperm and then transferred into the partner. Recently, Carpinello et al. (Fertility and Sterility. Vol 106, No 7. 1709-1713) investigated intentions and outcomes of lesbian couple who presented…