Search Results for "sperm quality"

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

…still exist in sperm (especially in men with abnormal sperm parameters) and more commonly in eggs (especially in women as they age). If you are experiencing recurrent miscarriage or want…

Taking Pride in Our LGBTQ+ Fertility Options

…fertility level and help determine what options work best for you, which include: Sperm donation Egg donation In vitro fertilization (IVF) Intrauterine insemination (IUI) Surrogacy For many hopeful parents, the…

Bacteria Can Be A Factor In Infertility

…tubes (the highway and meeting place for egg and sperm), and the eggs and sperm themselves. Bacteria can be a factor in infertility. Tubal factor infertility accounts for almost one-third…

Your Lifestyle Affects Your Fertility

…a delay in conception of more than one year and is also known to decrease ovarian reserve in women. Men who smoke have a 20% decrease in sperm count and…

Getting Started with Reciprocal IVF

…IVF Work? Reciprocal IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a method of family building used by couples who have female reproductive organs. The eggs of one partner are inseminated with sperm