Becoming a Single Parent by Choice

We believe that love is the foundation of a happy home and that the dream of having a family should be within reach for everyone. Choosing to become a single parent by choice is an empowering decision. Whether driven by a longing for parenthood, personal circumstances, or the readiness to provide a loving home, this journey is uniquely fulfilling. We are here to guide and to support you in every way possible.

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Single Mother by Choice

Choosing to become a single mother through assisted reproduction treatments is an inspiring journey. Whether your treatment plan is intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF), both offer a viable path for women who wish to experience pregnancy and childbirth on their own terms. We are here to walk you through each stage of the journey, from initial considerations to preparing for motherhood, providing you with the knowledge and support needed to navigate this rewarding path to parenthood.

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Steps to Becoming a Single Mother by Choice

For women who wish to experience pregnancy and childbirth on their own terms, pregnancy can be pursued through intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donor sperm. This process involves careful planning, medical consultations, and a series of steps to ensure the best chances of success.

Schedule an initial consultation with one of our fertility specialists to discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. Our specialists will explain the process and help you understand your options.

After your initial consultations a medical evaluation will be scheduled to assess your reproductive health. This may include blood tests, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic procedures to determine your fertility status and the best approach for a successful pregnancy.

Donor Options

A decision you will need to make is whether you prefer a known donor (someone you know personally) or an anonymous (de-identified) donor from a sperm bank. Each option has its own legal and emotional considerations that we can help guide you through.

Sperm Bank Selection

If you choose an anonymous (de-identified) donor, we can recommend reputable sperm banks that screen donors thoroughly and provide detailed profiles, including medical history, physical characteristics, and personal information.

Donor Profile

Review donor profiles to find a match that suits your preferences. Some women prioritize physical traits, while others focus on personality, education, or health history.

Artificial insemination (intrauterine insemination, or IUI) is performed at our lab. The sperm is inserted directly into your uterus using a thin catheter. The procedure is relatively quick and usually painless.

Alternatively, it may be determined by your fertility specialist that in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the recommended treatment plan.

Undergoing the IVF Process

In vitro fertilization (IVF) may be recommended for your treatment plan. Here is what to expect:

Ovulation Induction:
The IVF process begins with ovulation induction, where fertility medications are used to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.

Egg Retrieval: Once the eggs are mature, they are retrieved from the ovaries through a minor surgical procedure performed under sedation at our lab.

Fertilization: The retrieved eggs are fertilized with the selected sperm in our lab. The resulting embryos are monitored for development.

Embryo Transfer: After a few days, the best-quality embryo is selected and transferred into your uterus. This is a simple procedure that does not require anesthesia.

“Being a parent is not about what you gave up to have a child, but what you’ve gained from having one.” — Unknown


Single Father by Choice

Choosing to become a single dad by choice is a rewarding experience and an opportunity to shape your family on your own terms. We will help you navigate the path to single fatherhood as you explore the steps, considerations, and emotional aspects of becoming a single father by choice. Our fertility specialists will provide you with the insight and support for every stage of your journey.

How to Start a Family as a Single Father by Choice

We believe that the dream of becoming a parent should be within reach for everyone, including single men. Through the incredible advancements in assisted reproductive technologies, single men can now experience the joys of fatherhood with the help of an egg donor and a surrogate.

An egg donor provides the essential genetic material needed to create a healthy embryo. Donors are carefully screened to ensure the highest standards of health and genetic compatibility. This allows single men to select a donor who aligns with their preferences and values, helping to shape the family they envision.

A surrogate is a compassionate woman who carries and nurtures the embryo to term. Surrogacy offers single men the opportunity to be actively involved in the pregnancy journey, forming a unique bond with the surrogate and eagerly anticipating the arrival of their child. We work with surrogacy programs that prioritize the well-being and mutual respect of all parties involved, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.

How Fertility Centers of New England Can Help

With our expertise and compassionate approach, you can look forward to creating a loving and nurturing home for your future child. Start your journey today and discover the joy and fulfillment that comes with being a parent.

Contact us today for a consultation!