About Fertility
Towanda! Take Back Your Life

The inability to become pregnant grips many women. The story is common – it starts out with excitement and so many expectations. Quickly it stales and is rendered to calendars, too many urine predictor kits and mechanics. Websites, blogs, cadre of nutritional supplements-turned into cathartic snake oils infiltrate life usurping rent-free brain space.
First, breathe and regain the strength that has afforded you to the success you enjoy today.
Do something physical. Goals do not need to be lofty. Incorporate activity into your life – exercise, a few extra walks a week, or perhaps, an introduction to a sport that you have been interested always in trying. Eat more vegetables—perhaps juice them all! If your weight is elevated, is it time to lose the weight that may be a factor.
Maintain your mental and emotional health. Do not forget to take time for yourself. It is proven that such indulgences make us happier. Ayn Rand believed “selfish to be a virtue.” Go for a walk, write a letter, learn a new art form or travel – do not forget to enjoy the life before you.
Engage in something fun. Treating yourself does not need to be excessive or price-laden. Again, it is the little things, where in combination, make great and improved differences.
Be daring. Perhaps now is the time to try something new and to push your comfort zone. It is time to dig out that “bucket list.” Continue to dream, to aspire and to live.
Seek out a reproductive endocrinologist; let us navigate these waters with you. Take back your lives.
We are here for you every step of the way! Contact us today!