Fertility Cares Blog

Tag: Trying to Conceive

Safe Lubricants to Use When TTC
Did you know that most lubrications harm, rather than help, fertility? Researchers find that sperm have difficulty swimming as quickly or as normally as possible when confronted with most synthetic…
Post-Miscarriage conception
Trying To Conceive After A Miscarriage
Couples plagued by loss and trying to conceive after a miscarriage turn to their physicians for guidance regarding continued attempts at family building. Traditionally, 3 months of waiting was the…
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Facts | Infertility Stress
Towanda! Take Back Your Life
The inability to become pregnant grips many women. The story is common – it starts out with excitement and so many expectations. Quickly it stales and is rendered to calendars,…