Fertility Cares Blog

Tag: pregnancy

zika virus and pregnancy
Zika Virus
In May 2015 the Pan-American Health Organization issued an alert regarding the first confirmed Zika Virus infection in Brazil. The outbreak in Brazil lead to reports of Guillian-Barre Syndrome and…
ACOG Guidelines Encourage Exercise During Pregnancy
ACOG Guidelines Encourage Exercise During Pregnancy
American Obstetrics and Gynecology guidelines encourage continuing exercise during pregnancy, even in those patients who participate in daily vigorous exercise. It also encourages sedentary women to initiate exercise during pregnancy.…
Antidepressants and Pregnancy
Antidepressants and Pregnancy
Women affected by depression and pregnant often find themselves pulled between concern for risks for the pregnancy vs their mental welfare. Antidepressants and pregnancy deliver a double-edge sword. Women medicated…
Managing Morning Sickness
Managing Morning Sickness
You have tried for months and sometimes even years to conceive only to find that once that sought after pregnancy you have worked so hard to achieve finally occurs, it…
Morning Sickness
Given the stress of going through infertility treatment in hopes of having a baby how trying it is for many to have their long sought after pregnancy be complicated with…
Raw Milk Warning
Raw Milk Warning
The consumption of raw milk (unpasteurized) and raw milk products (cheeses and sour cream, frozen desserts) from cows, goats and sheep is often believed to be a healthy alternative to…
Reduce the Risk of Peanut Allergies
Reduce the Risk of Peanut Allergies
Women going through infertility treatment often ask what is safe to eat while attempting pregnancy in the hope that their child will have the best chance at being healthy. Eating…