Fertility Cares Blog


PCOS and weight gain
Help For PCOS And Weight Gain
A common symptom of Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)  is gaining weight, and many patients ask us how to help manage their PCOS and weight gain. But first, why does PCOS…
PCOS, Insulin and IVF
PCOS and Insulin Resistance
One of the of hallmarks of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is ovulatory dysfunction. Excessive androgen (male hormone) production has not only an effect on the skin but also on the…
12 Facts & Fallacies About Infertility
Letrozole May Induce Ovulation
Ovulation is critical to achieving a natural pregnancy. Ovulation dysfunction is one of the primary causes of infertility. Clomiphene citrate (clomid) has been used for decades to induce ovulation in…
Weight Management for Health and Fertility
Weight management is important when trying to become pregnant.  The best chance of success occurs in women of ideal body weight, which is a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 20-28.BMI is a function of height and…