Fertility Cares Blog

Tag: IVF

Acupuncture and Infertility
In 2002, a fertility center in Germany published “Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproductive therapy” (Fertil Steril 77(4):721-4).   In this small study of…
Your IVF Protocol
If you and your physician have decided that you need IVF, you will be given a protocol of your upcoming IVF cycle. A protocol is a schedule or blueprint of…
Making Infertility Treatment More Affordable
Treatment of infertility, for example in-vitro fertilization (IVF), is expensive. How much you pay depends on whether you have insurance coverage for infertility services including IVF, the amount of your co-pay, and of your deductable. For those…
Become an Advocate for Infertility Benefits
In 1987, the Massachusetts state legislature mandated that certain infertility benefits be provided by commercial insurers. This notable achievement was accomplished in large part due to the efforts of Resolve, a…