Fertility Cares Blog

Tag: Fertility Preservation

Egg Freezing | Save Your Eggs
Introducing SaveYourEggs.com!
We are excited to announce our new website SaveYourEggs.com! This website is focused on egg freezing awareness and how to determine if egg freezing is the right choice for each…
Egg Freezing for Young Women
The Oocyte is Type A; The Uterus is Not
Millennial women, you have the opportunity to write the narrative on your fertility. Demographics have certainly changed.  Degrees in hand, working environment firmly established, nest egg cultivated, is it now…
Egg Freezing | Fertility Preservation | FCNE
Why Egg Freeze?
Women are born with a finite number of eggs which continuously decline from birth. As women age the quality of these eggs also declines leading to fewer successful pregnancies and…
egg freezing and biological clock
Freeze Eggs: Preserving Your Fertility
In today’s society, women often delay childbearing until later in their reproductive years. The reasons for this shift are complex, but are often related to social, educational, and economic factors.…
egg freezing for cancer patients
Fertility Preservation for Patients with Cancer
Due to recent medical advances, a cancer diagnosis–although devastating–no longer means the loss of life or even ultimate fertility. Fertility preservation options should be considered when planning cancer treatment because…