About Fertility

Safe Lubricants to Use When TTC


Did you know that most lubrications harm, rather than help, fertility? Researchers find that sperm have difficulty swimming as quickly or as normally as possible when confronted with most synthetic and “natural” lubrication products.

What’s The Best Lube When Trying to Conceive?

Even lubricants advertising themselves as “fertility-friendly” may not be as friendly as you need them to be. Several recent studies evaluating sperm motility in the presence of common lubricants indicate avoiding commercial lubricants is the best way to go if you’re trying to conceive.

Researchers evaluating four of the most common lubricants (Durex, Vaginesil, Velastisa, Astroglide, and K-Y Jelly) found that they all compromise sperm motility at some level. And in studies evaluating three of the most popular “fertility-friendly” lubricants (Optilube, Pre-Seed, Yes Baby), researchers found all impeded sperm movement for up to 24 hours after exposure.

If you are trying to get pregnant, try skipping commercial lubricants.

Your own lubricant is designed to guide sperm to the egg

First and foremost, the best lubricant is made by your body in the days leading up to ovulation. If you ovulate, pay attention to your body’s communication. What emerges as more white/yellow and thing discharge on your underwear outside of the fertile and menstruation windows changes to a thicker, stretchier, web-like goo designed specifically for sperm.

This is why it’s so important to hone in on your personal menstrual cycle, including the fertile window. The best way to do that is by using a fertility app, which tracks symptoms and periods, and predicts when you’ll ovulate. If you have regular periods, Clue Period & Ovulation Tracker is a good one to use. If you have irregular periods, we recommend using Flo. Then, use a home ovulation prediction kit (OPK) to confirm. Once you’ve identified when you ovulate, you’ll more readily notice the change in discharge during that time.

Foreplay is essential to supporting natural lubrication, even during the fertile window. Do what you can to rekindle the romance, take things slow, and use whatever tricks or tools are required to “spice it up.” Other things you can do to increase your natural lubricant levels are:

  • Keep hydrated (using water as the primary hydration source)
  • Get good sleep
  • Practice stress management
  • Talk to your doctor about vitamins or supplements that may help your cause.

Don’t forget: Timing is everything

Finally, don’t forget one of the most important preconception tips of all: timing is everything. You must have sex in the two to three days leading up to ovulation to increase the number of sperm ready to meet the egg. If your male partner’s sperm analysis is healthy, you can have sex every day during that window. On the other hand, if he has a low sperm count or poor sperm quality, have sex every other day to maximize the number of sperm in each ejaculation.

We Can Help

Is lubrication an issue for you? If natural lubrication isn’t cutting it – and you struggle to conceive – it might be time to consult a fertility specialist. Contact us today to learn more about whether hormone imbalance or infertility issues need to be addressed.

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