Fertility Cares Blog

Progesterone and its Role in Pregnancy
Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries and later, if pregnancy occurs, by the placenta. Progesterone is essential to achieve and maintain a healthy pregnancy. In the second half…
Medical Tourism for IVF
Medical Tourism and IVF
Medical tourism, by definition, has been differentiated from international medical travel.  Typically international medical travel involves seeking more advanced care for a treatment not available in your country.  Medical tourism,…
Binge drinking in women
Binge Drinking In Women
The Centers for Disease Control and prevention released their Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report on Binge Drinking Among Women and High School Girls. The report announced that 1 in 8…
Why Vaccinate?
Most Americans are immunized during childhood. As adults, we assume that this immunization carries into adulthood. Often women are unaware of immunization status prior to attempting pregnancy and to conception.…
World Cancer Day - February 4th
World Cancer Day: February 4th
Every year across the world February 4th is dedicated to raising awareness and education about cancer. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, your fertility may be at risk. We…