Fertility Cares Blog

How does endometriosis affect fertility?
How Does Endometriosis Affect Fertility?
How does endometriosis affect fertility? Many of our patients with endometriosis ask this question; however, it is a very controversial subject with many contradictory studies in the medical literature. Endometriosis…
Access to Fertility Treatment
Access to Fertility Treatment
Infertility is a disease. An estimated one out of six couples attempting pregnancy will have fertility challenges. A major barrier for infertile patients needing infertility treatment is the financial cost.…
Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking Cigarettes?
Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking Cigarettes?
The Center for Disease Control recently recommended that all women who are pregnant discontinue the use of e-cigarette’s commonly known as vaping. Patients often ask “is vaping safer than smoking…
Ovulation Calendar
Am I Ovulating?
“Am I ovulating?” This question comes up a lot with patients. Ovulation is the process whereby an egg is released by the ovary. Ovulation usually occurs cyclically giving rise to…