Fertility Cares Blog

Should Pregnant Women Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?
Should Pregnant Women Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?
Should pregnant women get the COVID-19 vaccine? Here’s what the pregnancy experts are saying. Infertility specialists (like us) work closely with Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists. We work to help you become…
How Pregnancy Actually Happens
How Pregnancy Actually Happens
The egg’s voyage is a miraculous journey. Ovulation is a volcano-like eruption on the ovarian surface of the follicle where the egg is matured. Some women experience this normal monthly…
COVID-19 and Impact on Pregnancy
COVID-19 and Impact on Pregnancy
COVID-19 and the impact on pregnancy is still evolving. What we do know is that we have the experience of the last year with countless documented infections during pregnancy (and…
Clomid Challenge Test and IVF Treatment
Clomid Challenge Test and IVF Treatment
Ovarian reserve is a term referred by many infertility specialists to describe the size, quality and developmental potential of the eggs remaining in the ovary. As a woman ages ovarian…
Top Infertility Blog Award
Top Infertility Blog Award
We are honored to share that the Fertility Centers of New England received a Top Infertility Blog award from My Surrogate Mom. This award acknowledges our blog for its informative…
Does Age Affect Male Fertility?
Does Age Affect Male Fertility?
Infertility affects women and men equally, but does age affect male fertility the same way it impacts women? Studies have shown that male fertility does begin to decline as men…