About Fertility

Is Birth Control Associated with Infertility in Women?

Is Birth Control Associated with Infertility in Women?

A question some have when starting their family planning process is whether or not the birth control they’ve used in the past could impact their fertility. They may have been using birth control methods like the pill or other forms of contraception for years and are now ready to transition off it and start trying for a baby. Here we will answer the question, “Is birth control associated with infertility in women?”

Though birth control does help prevent pregnancy, this only applies when you are actively and regularly taking it. A 2018 study showed that it does not and will not cause infertility, regardless of whether you’re using a hormonal or non-hormonal method. Of the 14,884 women who participated in the study, 83% became pregnant within a year of stopping birth control.

If you’re experiencing trouble getting pregnant, don’t wait to talk to a fertility doctor. There are several common causes of infertility that affect many hopeful parents looking to grow their family, and fertility doctors can help you get on the path to a successful pregnancy.

What You Need to Know About Birth Control and Fertility

When it comes to transitioning off birth control, it’s important to keep in mind that different methods may take longer to leave your system, temporarily making it harder to become pregnant. A 2020 study found that:

  • People who used injectable contraceptives had the longest delay in the return of their normal fertility (five to eight menstrual cycles).
  • Those who used patch contraceptives, on average, returned to their normal fertility after four cycles.
  • Users of oral contraceptives and vaginal rings returned to their normal fertility after three cycles.
  • Those who used hormonal and copper IUDs and implants had the shortest fertility delay, returning to their normal fertility after two cycles.

Achieving a successful pregnancy can be difficult, but it’s important to know you are not alone if you’re struggling. Infertility affects 15 million people in the U.S. annually, both men and women. The team at Fertility Centers of New England is here to guide you—our compassionate doctors and nurses can help you grow your dream family.

Common Causes of Infertility

In addition to birth control, stress does not impact fertility either. Though it’s understandable to feel frustrated or stressed if you’re trying to conceive without any success, the two are not correlated. That being said, taking steps to manage or reduce your stress while receiving treatment is important for maintaining your overall health.

However, there are some common underlying causes of infertility that may be affecting your ability to become pregnant. These include age, irregular menstrual cycles, or an issue with sperm production. Additionally, the signs of pre-existing conditions like PCOS or endometriosis may not appear until after a person stops taking their birth control since the hormones can help to alleviate or manage the symptoms. Both PCOS and endometriosis can make it more difficult to become pregnant. A fertility doctor can identify and treat infertility caused by any of these factors.

Schedule an Initial Consultation

If you are having trouble getting pregnant and are looking to take the next step in your family building journey, Fertility Centers of New England is here to help you. We’ll guide you through all possible options in order to help you pick the path that best suits your needs. We’ve worked to make our services as inclusive and accessible as possible by offering multiple financing methods to help you afford the treatment you need. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Contact Us

At Fertility Centers of New England, patients come to us because they are struggling with infertility and/or miscarriages. If you have more questions like “Is birth control associated with infertility in women?” or if you are considering starting a family, please contact us for a consultation.



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