About Fertility

Common Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment is Linked to Miscarriage

Common Yeast Infection Medication is Linked to Miscarriage

Vaginal yeast infections called vulvovaginal candidiasis is a common gynecologic malady affecting many women; especially those who are pregnant. The results from a recent study found that a common vaginal yeast infection treatment is linked to miscarriage. The journal, “Contemporary OB/GYN,” issued a clinical alert to all OB/GYN physicians warning of the risk of miscarriage in women taking Fluconazole, an often-prescribed medication to treat this condition during pregnancy.

The Dangers of Fluconazole During Pregnancy

Fluconazole, also known as Diflucan, is customarily given in 150 mg increments to women suffering from candidiasis. Unfortunately, even low doses of fluconazole (<150 mg) may increase the chance of miscarriage. Dosages of 150 mg or greater were associated with two to three times the risk of miscarriage. Using fluconazole during the first trimester of pregnancy was also associated with an 80% higher risk of neonatal cardiac closure defects (hole in the heart).

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Safer Options to Consider for Yeast Infection Treatment While Pregnant

Fluconazole, while safe to use when not pregnant, should not be used during pregnancy. Anti-fungal medications that are reported to be safe to use during pregnancy include:

  • Clotrimazole (Mycelx, Lotrimin)
  • Miconazole (Monistat)

Topical preparations of azole for seven days is the treatment of choice.

At Fertility Centers of New England, we recommend that patients consult with their doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy. If you have medication questions or further questions about pregnancy, please contact us today!

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