Fertility Cares Blog

Author: Joseph A. Hill, III, M.D.

Progesterone Support in IVF
Progesterone is critical for the establishment and continuation of a successful pregnancy. Exogenous progesterone has been given in IVF since IVF’s inception. The reason was thought to be due to…
Personal Fertility Monitors
Personal Fertility Monitors are relatively inexpensive monitoring devices that can be used in the privacy of ones’ home. There are two commercially available. The oldest is Clearblue or Clearplan Easy…
Why Egg Freezing?
Egg freezing also called oocyte cryopreservation offers women the potential to take control of their reproductive health until they are ready to attempt pregnancy. Egg freezing requires stimulation of the…
Welcome Jean Shea, RN
We are excited to welcome Jean Shea, RN as our new Donor Egg Coordinator. She comes to FCNE with multiple years of REI experience. Jean can be reached at extension…
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Genetic
Therapeutic options to treat genetically inherited thrombophilias such as Factor V Leiden or other genetic mutations that increase blood clotting include antithombotic medications such as low dose aspirin and low…
FCNE featured in COSMOPOLITAN Magazine
Joseph A. Hill, MD and the Fertility Centers of New England are featured in the January, 2011 issue of COSMOPOLITAN magazine. Dr. Hill was interviewed for an article entitled, “Are…