Fertility Cares Blog

Author: Joseph A. Hill, III, M.D.

Genetic Testing
Why Genetic Testing?
At least one in 30 people are a carrier of a genetic disorder. Most carriers don’t have a family history of a genetic disease. Many patients ask us why genetic…
zika virus and pregnancy
Zika and Reproductive Health
The Department of Health and Human Resources through the Centers of Disease control has issued a travel warning regarding the Zika virus to pregnant women and couples contemplating pregnancy to…
flu vaccine and pregnancy
Flu Vaccine And Pregnancy
Flu season is upon us. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there were 40 million cases of influenza last year with 970,000 people hospitalized. We receive…
Infertility Testing
Testing for Infertility
Testing for infertility depends on your reproductive history, including menstrual cycle intervals, age, weight, and other factors. Testing may be different for women with regular menstrual cycles occurring every 25-35…