Fertility Cares Blog

Author: Danielle Vitiello, Ph.D., M.D.

Pregnant Woman Experiencing Nausea
Nausea Elevates With Pregnancy
For some women, unfortunately, nausea elevates with pregnancy to the next level (figuratively and literally). Waking moments are riddled with waves of nausea and vomiting. It may be cyclic or…
Nausea is a Clear Physical Sign That the Promise of Pregnancy
How to Treat Nausea During Pregnancy
Nausea is pregnancy, for most. Initially, it is welcomed – nausea is a clear physical sign that the promise of pregnancy (and birth) is secured. But that validation turns quickly…
Spontaneous Miscarriages
Spontaneous Miscarriages
Spontaneous miscarriages are losses before the 20th week of gestation (pregnancy). It is the loss occurs before 10 weeks we consider the pregnancy to be developmentally an embryo. If the…