
Announcing Our New IVF Program with Embryo Screening

Fertility Centers of New England is proud to announce the most cost-effective embryo screening program available called IVF Select.

“Our expanded collaboration with Good Start Genetics of Cambridge, MA allows us to pass along cost-effective savings to our patients requesting embryo screening for normal chromosomes,” said Joseph A. Hill, MD, president, Fertility Centers of New England.

“The technique involves next generation sequencing,” said Danielle Vitiello, PhD, MD, Medical Director, Fertility Centers of New England, “enabling only one embryo with normal chromosomes to be transferred resulting in pregnancy rates as high as 80%,” she continued, “even in women over age 40 as long as they have a normal embryo to transfer.”

IVF Select is an all inclusive program for $24,500 and includes everything but the medications used for ovarian stimulation as follows:

  1. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), including management and monitoring as long as monitoring is performed at one of the many Fertility Centers of New England convenient locations
  2. Egg retrieval including anesthesia
  3. Sperm preparation and Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  4. Embryo culture for five days
  5. Embryo biopsy
  6. Embryo freezing (vitrification)
  7. Blastomere shipping and analysis
  8. A subsequent Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) of one embryo with normal chromosomes including management, monitoring at one of our locations, embryo thawing, assisted hatching and embryo transfer
  9. Pregnancy test 10 days following embryo transfer
  10. One year embryo storage of any remaining chromosomal normal embryos frozen

For more information on IVF Select, and Boston’s most competitively priced IVF programs, please contact us!